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a function to change a hexadecimal color code (Hex) to RGB format. (HEX -> RGB)

Returns null if it is not a valid hex code.


const hexToRgba: (hex: string, alpha?: number) => {
readonly r: number;
readonly g: number;
readonly b: number;
readonly a: number;
readonly stringifiedValue: `rgba(${number},${number},${number},${number})`;
} | null


import { hexToRgba } from '@devgrace/utils';

const hex1 = '#1A2B3C';
const rgbColor1 = hexToRgba(hex1);
// { r: 26, g: 43, b: 60, a: 1, stringifiedValue: 'rgba(26,43,60,1)' }

const hex2 = '#1A2';
const rgbColor2 = hexToRgba(hex2, 0.2);
// { r: 17, g: 170, b: 34, a: 0.2, stringifiedValue: 'rgba(17,170,34,0.2)' }