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A utility function that traverses all properties of an object, including nested objects/arrays, and if the value is one of the empty values listed below, returns a new object with those properties removed.

What to remove: Empty String(""), Empty Array([]), Empty Object({}), null, undefined


const deleteEmptyProperties: <T extends Record<PropertyKey, any>>(obj: T) => T


import { deleteEmptyProperties } from '@devgrace/utils';

const obj = deleteEmptyProperties({
prop1: 1,
prop2: 0,
prop3: '',
prop4: '1',
prop5: true,
prop6: false,
prop7: null,
prop8: undefined,
prop9: [],
prop10: {},

* obj = {
prop1: 1,
prop2: 0,
prop4: '1',
prop5: true,
prop6: false,