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The Portal Component uses React.createPortal to render the Child Component on a DOM Element outside of the Parent Component's DOM hierarchy.

The Portal Component renders a Child Component in document.body by default. However, if you pass in the Portal Component's containerRef prop, you can render the Child Component in a different DOM Element than document.body.

Additionally, it supports nested portal functionality. Nesting multiple Portal Components creates a nested portal DOM hierarchy.

The Portal Component is ideal for use with features like Modal, Dialog, and Tooltip.

React CreatePortal Please refer to the following articles


const Portal: ({ children, className, containerRef }: {
children: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
containerRef?: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
}) => JSX.Element



import { Portal } from '@devgrace/react'

const Example = () => {
return (
<p>Example Portal</p>


import { Portal } from '@devgrace/react'

const Example = () => {
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);

return (
<Portal containerRef={ref}>
<p>Example Portal</p>

<div id="outer" ref={ref} />


import { Portal } from '@devgrace/react'

const Example = () => {
return (
<p>Default Portal</p>
<p>Nested Portal1</p>
<p>Nested Portal2</p>